Posts by Superscript
Supporting small businesses and high-growth tech companies, Superscript is a digital-first insurance provider making business insurance fit for today and ready for tomorrow. Read Superscript’s insights into all things business and insurance – from managing finances to getting the right cover.
The 5 stages of a startup
Understanding the typical stages a startup goes through is vital to building your own business successfully. Here’s a summary of each phase.
How to network successfully in 7 steps
In the early days of your business, networking is one of the most cost-effective marketing techniques out there. Here's our top networking tips that actually work.
Bitcoin energy consumption
Does Bitcoin mining use as much electricity as previously believed? Find out here.
The best project management software
Power up your productivity and streamline processes with a project management tool. Find the best for your business type and budget from our top 5 choices.
Blockchain and tokens in the gaming industry
Blockchain and NFTs have redefined the gaming industry, turning gamers into investors. Find out how here.
How to start a dog grooming business at home
Turn your pooch pampering dreams into a reality by starting a dog grooming business from your own abode. Learn how with this super guide.
7 challenges of being a photographer (and how to overcome them)
Professional photographers share the most common hurdles of the snapping business and their practical tips on how to solve them.