Commercial landlord legal protection
Add commercial landlords' legal protection cover to your landlords' insurance and we'll cover your costs up to £100,000 for a range of key legal expenses.
Be quote confident. We'll beat the price of any like-for-like quote. T&Cs apply.
What is legal protection insurance for commercial landlords?
As the owner of commercial property there are a variety of potential legal issues that could arise during your time as a landlord.
Legal protection insurance for commercial landlords is designed specifically to cover the costs of your professional and legal fees associated with a range of legal disputes and tax inquiries. You'll be covered up to £100,000 for legal fees for:
• Criminal defense
• Property protection
• Employee disputes
• Breaches of tenancy agreement
• Property licence suspension appeal
Plus you can get:
• £1 million compensation cover for certain employment disputes
• Accountancy or tax consultancy fees paid
• Employee salaries covered during court appearances or jury service
• Instant access to policy documents

Be quote confident
We're big on fairness. So if you find a lower price for a comparable quote, we won't just match it – we'll go one better and beat it.
So even better than apples to apples, apples to better apples. We're talking Galas to Braeburns.
As you'd expect, T&Cs apply.
What's included in commercial landlord legal protection?
Our legal protection insurance for commercial property owners includes a whole host of useful covers designed to protect you in the event of legal disputes or inquiries. Here are the core areas covered:
Accounting or tax consultancy
Covers the costs of an accountant or tax consultancy to assist with a tax enquiry, employer compliance dispute or VAT dispute with HMRC, up to £100,000.
Employee disputes
Covers the cost of defending your legal rights in a court or tribunal (up to £100,000) following the dismissal of an employee or an alleged breach of an employee’s statutory rights.
Criminal legal defense
Up to £100,000 for defending you and your employees’ legal rights following an alleged criminal offence (excluding motoring offences), or prosecution under data protection legislation.
Jury service and court attendance
Can cover the payment of an employee’s salary (up to £100,000) while they attend a court or tribunal or are doing jury service.
Property protection
Cover for your legal expenses (up to £100,000) to pursue damages in court following someone causing physical damage to your property (excluding physical properties in transit).
Statutory licence appeal
Covers the cost of your appeal following a decision by your local authority to suspend, alter the terms of, or cancel your property licence or mandatory registration (up to £100,000).
Commercial letting legal protection
Up to £100,000 of cover for legal expenses covering disputes relating to a breach of the tenancy agreement and repossession of your premises.
Compensation costs
Up to £1 million of cover for paying certain compensation costs you owe as part of an employment dispute.
Subject to certain terms and conditions (see your policy wording).
What's not included?
While we'd love to cover all and any legal disputes, as with all insurance policies, there are some elements and circumstances that are not included in your cover. So, sadly we can't cover:
- Fines, penalties, compensation or damages you are ordered to pay by a court or other authority (except those included for employment disputes in you policy documents)
- Defamation, bankruptcy or cases concerning intellectual property rights
- Shareholding or partnership disputes or franchise or agency agreements
- Claims where the lawyer appointed for you does not believe you will be more likely than not to win your case
- Any claim reported to us more than 180 days after the date you should have known about the claim
- Any employment dispute or breach of tenancy issue that originates within the first 90 days of the policy
- Any claim relating to a tax avoidance scheme, import or excise duties or import VAT
Once you've completed a quote, you'll be able to view a summary of cover. Please always refer to your policy documents for full details around exclusions, terms and limits of your customised cover. Read our guide to understanding your policy documents.

Broadscale landlord insurance for commercial property owners
In addition to landlords' legal protection, we offer a range of covers that are specifically designed for owners of commercial property with portfolios of up to 10 units, including:
- Buildings cover
- Fixtures and fittings cover
- Property owners' liability
- Landlord's contents cover
- Employers' liability
- Terrorism cover
How do insurance claims work?
The below is a good guide to the process and timescales you can expect when you need to make a claim under your policy.
If you’re ever unsure whether you can or should claim, it’s best to get in touch and we can let you know.
Notify us of the claim
Contact us by email at claims@gosuperscript.com, by 24/7 freephone on 0800 772 3059 or by logging in to your customer portal.
Ideally this should be done as soon as possible and within 30 days of you becoming aware of anything which you think may be covered by your insurance.
A good indicator of whether or not to let us know is if there’s an issue which may require a payment to be made on your behalf.
We'll get on the case
We’ll acknowledge your claim within 24 hours, and sometimes in as little as 30 minutes! This means you’ll receive email confirmation of your claims reference and contact information should you need to speak to us.
We will then reach out to you within 48 hours to request any extra information we need to progress your claim.
We’ll keep you updated on the next steps as the claim progresses.
A decision is made
We’ll let you know if your claim is successful or not. If your claim isn’t covered, we will always try to point you in the right direction and support you as best we can in getting back to normal.
Read about the most common reasons claims aren't paid.
If your claim is successful, once we have all the documents we need, we will aim to settle claims such as accidental damage, theft and lost equipment within five working days.
Commercial landlords' legal protection insurance FAQs
Authorised by the FCA
The FCA supervises UK financial services firms to protect consumers. We are directly authorised and regulated by the FCA and our Firm Reference Number is 656459. These details can be confirmed on the Financial Services Register at www.fca.org.uk or by calling the FCA on 0845 606 1234.
A-rated financial strength
Our insurance products are underwritten by Standard & Poor’s A-rated financial strength or higher. This means the underwriter has been independently assessed by the world’s leading credit rating provider and found to have a strong capacity to meet financial commitments (pay claims).
Protected by the FSCS
If you are a business with an annual turnover under £1m, charity with an annual income under £1m, or trust with net assets under £1m, then you will be entitled to compensation from the FSCS in the unlikely event we cannot meet our obligations. Full details and further information on the scheme are available at www.fscs.org.uk.